post kali ini saya akan mencoba membagi cara membuat image banner dengan title dan sub title seperti gambar dibawah ini menggunakan Ajax, dan PHP menggunakan GD library
OK langsung aja. Cara kerjanya :
- Upload gambar yang akan di jadikan banner menggunakan ajax di iframe
- Tambahkan Heading dan Subheading dengan javascript
- Buat Banner beserta Heading dan Subheading dengan PHP GD library
file : index.html => halaman depan dimana terdapat form untuk upload gambar (jpg/gif/png) dengan ajax yang di panggil melalui iframe yang akan digunakan untuk banner.
Setelah upload berhasil akan muncul form untuk pengisian teks Heading dan Subheading.
01 | <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> |
02 | < html xmlns = "" > |
04 | < meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text/html; charset=utf-8" /> |
05 | < title >Banner Creation Tool</ title > |
11 | font-family : Arial , Helvetica , sans-serif ; |
13 | .picture_preview .txt_heading_prev { |
15 | font-size : 25px ; top : 30px ; |
18 | .picture_preview .txt_subheading_prev { |
20 | font-size : 15px ; top : 70px ; |
24 | background-color : #FFC ; color : #F00 ; |
27 | < script src = "js.js" language = "javascript" type = "text/javascript" ></ script > |
30 | < iframe name = "upload_iframe" id = "upload_iframe" style = "display:none;" ></ iframe > |
31 | < form name = "pictureForm" method = "post" autocomplete = "off" enctype = "multipart/form-data" > |
36 | < td >< input type = "file" name = "picture" id = "picture" onChange = "return ajaxFileUpload(this);" /></ td > |
40 | < div id = "txt_box" style = "display:none" > |
45 | < td >< input type = "text" name = "heading_txt" id = "heading_txt" onkeyup = "previewBanner()" /></ td > |
50 | < td >< input type = "text" name = "subheading_txt" id = "subheading_txt" onkeyup = "previewBanner()" /></ td > |
53 | < td colspan = "3" scope = "row" >< hr /></ td > |
56 | < td >< input type = "button" value = "Cancel" onclick="document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = '<img src = images /loader-bar.gif />'; doAjaxCall('banner.php?do=cancel&img='+document.getElementById('picture').value+'&heading='+document.getElementById('heading_txt').value+'&subheading='+document.getElementById('subheading_txt').value+'&sid='+Math.random(), 'msg'); resetDisplay();" /></ td > |
58 | < td >< input type = "button" value = "Submit" onclick="document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = '<img src = images /loader-bar.gif />'; doAjaxCall('banner.php?do=create&img='+document.getElementById('picture').value+'&heading='+document.getElementById('heading_txt').value+'&subheading='+document.getElementById('subheading_txt').value+'&sid='+Math.random(), 'msg'); return true;" /></ td > |
62 | < div id = "picture_preview" ></ div > |
file : js.js => fungsi-fungsi javascript
01 | function doAjaxCall(the_request, targeTo) { |
03 | if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { |
04 | request = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
05 | } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { |
06 | request = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" ); |
09 | "GET" , the_request); |
10 | request.onreadystatechange = function () { |
11 | if (request.readyState == 4) { |
12 | document.getElementById(targeTo).innerHTML = request.responseText; |
17 | alert( "Sorry, Your browser not support ajax." ); |
20 | function ajaxFileUpload(upload_field) { |
22 | var re_text = /\.jpg|\.gif|\.png|\.jpeg/i; |
23 | var filename = upload_field.value; |
24 | if ( == -1) { |
25 | alert( "Only jpg/gif/png Are Allowed" ); |
26 | upload_field.form.reset(); |
30 | upload_field.form.action = 'upload.php' ; |
31 | = 'upload_iframe' ; |
32 | upload_field.form.submit(); |
33 | upload_field.form.action = '' ; |
34 | = '' ; |
38 | function previewBanner(evt) { |
39 | document.getElementById( 'txt_heading_prev' ).innerHTML=document.getElementById( 'heading_txt' ).value; |
40 | document.getElementById( 'txt_subheading_prev' ).innerHTML=document.getElementById( 'subheading_txt' ).value; |
43 | function resetDisplay() { |
44 | document.getElementById( 'heading_txt' ).value= '' ; |
45 | document.getElementById( 'subheading_txt' ).value= '' ; |
46 | document.getElementById( 'picture' ).value= '' ; |
47 | document.getElementById( 'txt_box' ).style.display= 'none' ; |
48 | document.getElementById( 'picture_preview' ).style.display= 'none' ; |
49 | document.getElementById( 'picture' ).disabled= '' ; |
file : upload.php => serverside script dipanggil oleh ajax untuk upload file ke directory banners/
02 | $full_serv_path = $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ]. "" . $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ]; |
03 | $preview_url = "http://" . str_replace ( basename ( $full_serv_path ), "" , $full_serv_path ). "banners/" ; // get server path for live preview |
04 | $upload_dir = str_replace ( basename ( __FILE__ ), "" , __FILE__ ). "banners/" ; |
08 | $allowed_image = array ( 'image/gif' , 'image/jpeg' , 'image/jpg' , 'image/pjpeg' , 'image/png' ); |
09 | define( 'PICTURE_SIZE_ALLOWED' , 2242880); |
11 | if (isset( $_FILES [ 'picture' ])) { |
12 | if ( $_FILES [ 'picture' ][ 'error' ] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { |
13 | if (in_array( $_FILES [ 'picture' ][ 'type' ], $allowed_image )) { |
14 | if ( filesize ( $_FILES [ 'picture' ][ 'tmp_name' ]) <= PICTURE_SIZE_ALLOWED) { |
15 | $filename = $_FILES [ 'picture' ][ 'name' ]; |
16 | move_uploaded_file( $_FILES [ 'picture' ][ 'tmp_name' ], $upload_dir . $filename ); |
18 | die ( 'Picture size is to large' ); |
21 | die ( 'Only jpg/gif/png Are Allowed' ); |
28 | echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">' . "\n" ; |
31 | echo "window.parent.document.getElementById('picture_preview').innerHTML = '<img src=\"images/ajax-loader.gif\" border=\"0\" />';" ; |
32 | echo "window.parent.document.getElementById('picture_preview').innerHTML = '<img src=\'$preview_url$filename\' id=\'preview_picture_tag\' name=\'preview_picture_tag\' /><div id=\'txt_heading_prev\' class=\'txt_heading_prev\'></div><div id=\'txt_subheading_prev\' class=\'txt_subheading_prev\'></div>';" ; |
33 | echo "window.parent.document.getElementById('picture_preview').style.display = 'block';" ; |
34 | echo "window.parent.document.getElementById('txt_box').style.display = 'block';" ; |
35 | echo "window.parent.document.getElementById('picture').disabled='true';" ; |
38 | echo "\n" . '</script>' ; |
file : banner.php => serverside script dipanggil oleh ajax untuk membuat gambar dari file yang di upload dan teks Heading dan Subheading menggunakan GD Library, serta untuk menghapus gambar bila user membatalkan pembuatan banner.
02 | function getImgType( $img ) { |
03 | if ( substr ( $img , strlen ( $img )-4) == ".jpg" || substr ( $img , strlen ( $img )-5) == ".jpeg" ) |
05 | elseif ( substr ( $img , strlen ( $img )-4) == ".gif" ) |
07 | elseif ( substr ( $img , strlen ( $img )-4) == ".png" ) |
13 | if ( $_GET [ 'do' ] == "create" ) { |
14 | $heading = $_GET [ 'heading' ]; |
15 | $subheading = $_GET [ 'subheading' ]; |
16 | $imgname = "banners/" . $_GET [ 'img' ]; |
17 | $img_type = getImgType( $_GET [ 'img' ]); |
18 | if ( $img_type == "jpg" ) { |
19 | $im = imagecreatefromjpeg( $imgname ); |
20 | } elseif ( $img_type == "gif" ) { |
21 | $im = imagecreatefromgif( $imgname ); |
22 | } elseif ( $img_type == "png" ) { |
23 | $im = imagecreatefrompng( $imgname ); |
25 | die ( "Only jpg/gif/png Are Allowed" ); |
30 | $bg = imagecolorallocate( $im , 255, 255, 255); |
31 | $font_color = imagecolorallocate( $im , 0, 0, 0); |
32 | $split_heading = split( "[\n]+" , $heading ); |
33 | $split_subheading = split( "[\n]+" , $subheading ); |
35 | foreach ( $split_heading as $key => $val ) { |
36 | $_b = imagettfbbox(18, 0, $font , $val ); |
37 | $_w = abs ( $_b [2]- $_b [0]); |
39 | $_h = abs ( $_b [5]- $_b [3]); |
41 | imagettftext( $im , 18, 0, $_x -40, 55, $font_color , $font , $val ); |
43 | foreach ( $split_subheading as $key => $val ) { |
44 | $_b = imagettfbbox(11, 0, $font , $val ); |
45 | $_w = abs ( $_b [2]- $_b [0]); |
47 | $_h = abs ( $_b [5]- $_b [3]); |
49 | imagettftext( $im , 11, 0, $_x -40, 83, $font_color , $font , $val ); |
51 | if ( $img_type == "jpg" ) { |
52 | $save_banner = imagejpeg( $im , $imgname ); |
53 | } elseif ( $img_type == "gif" ) { |
54 | $save_banner = imagegif( $im , $imgname ); |
55 | } elseif ( $img_type == "png" ) { |
56 | $save_banner = imagepng( $im , $imgname ); |
58 | die ( "Only jpg/gif/png Are Allowed" ); |
61 | print "Banner Created" ; |
63 | print "Failed To Create Banner" ; |
66 | } elseif ( $_GET [ 'do' ] == "cancel" ) { |
67 | $imgname = "banners/" . $_GET [ 'img' ]; |
68 | if (unlink( $imgname )) { |
71 | print "Error Removing Image" ; |
Silahkan anda berkreasi atau mengembangkan aplikasi ini, misalkan dengan menambahkan option untuk warna/besar/align untuk heading dan subheading.
Tergantung kebutuhan.
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