Sunday, December 4, 2011

Polygon, Indonesia world-class Brand Bicycles

At first bicycle factory PT. Insera Sena (IS) based in Sidoarjo East Java, producing bikes for the consumption of imports. In 1991, started producing bicycles branded IS Polygon, and ten years later the same branded products exporting to Singapore, Malaysia, and the last two years keAustralia. Of all units produced bicycles, 30% use the Polygon brand. Well than 30%, 20% for local market, 10% for export to overseas, especially for bicycles Mountain Bike Cosmiq type and Collosus.


Thursday, December 1, 2011


1. PC Media Antivirus
Antivirus PCMAV is made by PCmedia magazine that began in early 2006, this is the antivirus antivirus the most widely used in Indonesia, given its ability is very nice and very helpful at all, especially when my computer is infected with a virus, Read More

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Exotic Cuisine and Nature in Spain

If you are planning travel to mainland Europe, you’ll want to visit Spain. One of the countries in Western Europe offers a very indulgent delicacies typical of the tongue.
Every region in Spain has a unique, either in the form of natural beauty and impressive cuisine. Collaboration both offer a definite sensation unforgettable experience. Here are five regions in Spain that has the culinary scenery is both beautiful and special, which quoted from Female First.


Monday, October 17, 2011 ( website promosi indonesia ).KEREN!!

Nah satu lagi ni website untuk promosi Indonesia namanya BISALAGI.COM.. Meski bahasa Inggrisnya rada ancur - ancuran,,,tapi okelah...yang penting ada niatannya dulu..SIP n maju terus...disini pembuat website menampilkan macam macam tempat wisata di Indonesia dan berbagai macam makanan khas di Indonesia meski ada berita lainnya juga..Kalau mau liat penampakannya ni ane kasih penampakannya :

Mau liat sitenya juga...wa sabar ni ane kasi lagi ni : dsawer bang...

selain itu meski ni site menggunakan bahasa negeri orang yang sama sekali ga gw tahu..maklum aku taunya cuma bahasa site juga menyediakan translator bahasa yang terletak di bagian kanan,,bahasa yang disupport seperti di bawah ini :
Pembuat site tersebut juga memberikan kesempatan bagi semua orang untuk posting tulisan untuk promosi daerah dan makanan khas daerahnya...baik bukan

Bagaimana...mau liat lebih jauh..monggo berkunjung aja langsung ke site nya .